Obama sees dead people- May 27, 2008 Via Powerline, here&8217;s Obama this fine Memorial Day morning: On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes &8212; and I see many of them in the audience here today &8212; our sense of patriotism is particularly strong. Later, Obama said that, if elected, he would be sure to &8220;provide our fallen ...http://www.timothygoddard.com/blog/?p=1231 Great company- May 25, 2008 From the Baltimore Sun blog: This message is for that oppressed, neglected, passed over, bitter, gun-toting group of people otherwise known as working-class white males: You really don&8217;t matter. To all the hand-wringing over Sen. Barack Obama&8217;s alleged problem with winning over the votes of those white men, let&8217;s counter with some other facts. Obama has a lot ...http://www.timothygoddard.com/blog/?p=1230 After the Service- May 24, 2008 After the Service, my first mystery novel, is now available for purchase. What&8217;s that You&8217;d like to learn more Well, check out my awesome promo text When David Kelter started his internship at Seattle&8217;s Grace Baptist Church, he thought it would be a fairly useful experience, if not very exciting. He would get the credits he ...http://www.timothygoddard.com/blog/?p=1229 A fundamental issue- May 20, 2008 The WA blogosphere is buzzing with this video of Barack Obama whiffing gracefully on a basic question about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in E. Washington. On one hand, it&8217;s easy for me to snicker at Obama for not knowing about Hanford. I know plenty about it&8211;but then, I&8217;ve lived in Washington for most of my ...http://www.timothygoddard.com/blog/?p=1228 Obamas People Problem, Cont.- May 12, 2008 So, he can&8217;t choose his staff well, he can&8217;t choose his advisers well, he can&8217;t choose his friends very well, and he certainly can&8217;t choose his mentors well. And so he&8217;s running on&8230; his judgment Even if the idea of an Obama presidency sounds fine to you, the idea of an Obama cabinet should scare ...http://www.timothygoddard.com/blog/?p=1227 Postmodern Academia- May 10, 2008 I&8217;ve been keeping track of this story about Dartmouth&8217;s sadly beleaguered Priya Venkatesan because it reminds me so strongly of some of the professors I encountered at the University of Washington. One class, in particular, taught by a Swiss-Sri Lankan doctoral student to us lowly M.Ed candidates, featured reams of articles designed to teach us ...http://www.timothygoddard.com/blog/?p=1226 |