Walhalla NewsLocal news for Walhalla, ND continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ethanol price decline may trigger North Dakota subsidy- October 13, 2007 "There is still money to be made in ethanol, it's just that it's not as much money as it was last year at this time." North Dakota's ethanol production subsidy fund, which has gone untouched since it was established four years ago, may begin making its first payments within a few months, state officials say. via BismarckTribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/walhalla-nd/2007/10/ethanol-price-decline-may-trigger-north-dako... N.D. County Commissioners say they're not against pipeline plans- October 9, 2007 "If they don't want our water, we don't want their oil." BISMARCK, N.D. - County commissioners along the route of a proposed oil pipeline from Canada held an impromptu meeting with Public Service Commissioner Kevin Cramer to tell him they're not all against the plan. via ArgusLeader.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/walhalla-nd/2007/10/n-d-county-commissioners-say-theyre-not-agai... |