Walhalla NewsLocal news for Walhalla, ND continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.That old DWI could keep you out of Canada- December 31, 2007 "I was like, 'C'mon, all of a sudden I'm not worthy to be in your country'" Yanks with youthful indiscretions, beware: That faded citation for driving drunk or smoking pot might not keep you from becoming president of the United States, but with post-911 border security, it might keep ... via Star Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/walhalla-nd/2007/12/that-old-dwi-could-keep-you-out-of-canada?fr... Drilling horizontal- December 29, 2007 WALHALLA, N.D. When Larry Kotchman first learned of plans to build a crude oil pipeline through Cavalier and Pembina counties, his first thought was the need to protect a valuable and environmentally sensitive ... via Grand Forks Heraldhttp://www.topix.net/city/walhalla-nd/2007/12/drilling-horizontal?fromrss=1 Opponents of Keystone point to explosion- December 1, 2007 "We look forward to building Keystone and it operates safely and operates well." ND opponents of Keystone route point to Minn. pipeline explosion Opponents of a proposed oil pipeline route in eastern North Dakota say this week's pipeline explosion in Minnesota reinforces their fears. via BismarckTribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/walhalla-nd/2007/12/opponents-of-keystone-point-to-explosion?fro... |