Arlington NewsLocal news for Arlington (Jacksonville, FL) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Escaping assailant strikes owner with car during carjacking- March 29, 2008 A 24-year-old man was thrown onto the hood of his own vehicle as it was being stolen and then was thrown off after the carjacker turned on the wipers and sped up. via Jacksonville.com Arlington gets extra attention to stem violent crime rise- March 26, 2008 "Some of the violent crime issues are not unique to Zone 2" Police have launched several initiatives to combat a spike in violent crime in Arlington as well as other parts of Jacksonville. via Jacksonville.com Stay home watching TV Not these prime-time dancing machines- March 14, 2008 "It was built for wedding receptions, and that's why it's so pretty" SANDY STRICKLANDStaff John Prepe and Alice Genlasky enjoy a dance at the Arlington Senior Center. via Jacksonville.com St. Johns cleanup still needs volunteers- March 12, 2008 "It is noteworthy that AABI accredited our aviation degree programs without any recommendations" Volunteers are needed for Jacksonville's 13th annual St. Johns River Celebration cleanup, which is at two Arlington locations Saturday as part of a citywide effort. via Jacksonville.com 'Building God's Men' at the Resurrection Catholic Church- March 5, 2008 Resurrection Catholic Church is sponsoring its second Lenten event for men with a sheriff, former atheist, military chaplain, a deacon and a priest as guest speakers. via Jacksonville.com |