Arlington NewsLocal news for Arlington (Jacksonville, FL) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Robbers strike tattoo parlor and adult store- April 19, 2008 Three men dressed in black robbed an adult fantasy store and a tattoo parlor in Arlington about four hours apart. via Jacksonville.com Sister Hazel will perform at JU- April 16, 2008 "This honor makes five AP awards in the past four years for JU students" In what's expected to be one of Jacksonville University's biggest shows in a decade, Sister Hazel will perform Thursday in Swisher Gym at 2800 University Blvd. via Jacksonville.com Man, 23, riding bull in 'rodeo,' is bucked, gored and stepped on- April 13, 2008 A 23-year-old man met up with a bull that saw red and was bucked, gored and stepped on at 3:50 p.m. Sunday. via Florida Times-Union University Park branch library to hold book sale- April 9, 2008 Book bargains will be available at the University Park branch library at 3425 University Blvd. via Jacksonville.com |