Ari Pernick: Links ReadThis is just the list of stuff that I read.(Untitled)- March 25, 2003 FRIEDMAN AGAIN:. - 2:46:58 PM Andrew Sullivan - The Daily DishLiberal Hawk and Neo-Conservative Hawk talk to each other. (Untitled)- March 25, 2003 ALL THINGS DISTORTED:. More reader disgruntlement: I'm a lifelong NY Times reader and NPR listener. But no more. Raines has successfully driven me to subscribe to the Post. And this morning I started searching the radio dial for AM news to wake up to. The final nail in the NPR coffin occurred last night (321), when they reported on the Palestinian "Peace Protests." No mention of them chanting for "Our beloved Saddam, hit Tel Aviv." Instead, it was about them protesting American aggression.... (Untitled)- March 21, 2003 Note to the Security Council: Get Involved. The obstructionism of Some Security Council members where the Oil for Food Program is concerned is hurting the people of Iraq. By David L. Phillips. New York Times: OpinionFrance and Germany are so bitter about this war that they are blocking UN humnanitarian aid for iraq This is really sad. (Untitled)- March 21, 2003 Danger hacker Brian Swetland reports. Danger hacker Brian Swetland reports that only leet developers will get to run their apps on their own Hiptops. Hack the Planet (Untitled)- March 18, 2003 Explaining the Iraq situation in AC terms. (Untitled)- March 18, 2003 Reflections on the failed Bush Iraq policies. Newsweek and Slate. (Untitled)- March 18, 2003 Inflation bites: Kalashnikovs up from $20 to $500: Time to get the hell out of dodge (Baghdad) Times Online Pho Saigon in Redmond- March 18, 2003 I followed Joshua Allen's advice and went to the new pho place on Leary Way (across from the good Mexican restaurant and Palmers) in Redmond for dinner. Its name is Pho Saigon. Joshua is quite right; the food there is good and cheap. Both the fried and fresh spring rolls were food. (Untitled)- March 18, 2003 Nouns and verbs. John doesn't get it. Sterling does. It took Sean ten minutes to figure it out. Doug sees the future. Giulio is asking the right questions. Perhaps it is time for another essay. A short one, this time. Sam Ruby (Untitled)- March 18, 2003 Judge Dredd goes to China jwz |