Ari Pernick: Links ReadThis is just the list of stuff that I read.(Untitled)- March 7, 2003 The Arab World Tunes In. Thanks to independent satellite news in the Middle East, political pressure develops quickly from the ground up. By Tom Brokaw. New York Times: Opinion (Untitled)- March 7, 2003 Internet Infidels Discussion Forums - If you have set yourself on fire, do not run lnk.to (Untitled)- March 7, 2003 Hellraiser PC jwz (Untitled)- March 7, 2003 The Horror Of Blimps. Warning: Only read in an environment where you laughing out loudly won't make your boss fire you. The Horror Of Blimps: http:boards.straightdope.comsdmbshowthread.phpthreadid=160851&;perpage=50&pagenumber=1 Ingo Rammer's DotNetCentric John Lambert (Untitled)- March 7, 2003 "QUEERS FOR PALESTINE":. Yes, there actually is a group that goes by that name. They'd be more accurate calling themselves, "Turkeys For Thanksgiving." Maybe they haven't seen stories like this one. Like many Arab mobocracies, the Palestinian Authority, so beloved of the hyper-tolerant Europeans, is viciously homophobic - to the point of imprisonment and execution and the habitual response of tyrannies to gay people - accusing them of treachery. Yet the gay left continues to appease and make... (Untitled)- March 7, 2003 Chris Mooney talks about a WSJ editorial about the pledge ruling tapped (Untitled)- March 7, 2003 American Prospect: Close Encounter - Americans and Europeans aren't as far apart as everyone thinks. Tapped (Untitled)- March 6, 2003 Well I'll tell you what I think - I thin recursive (Untitled)- March 6, 2003 Ridiculously cool.. DbCombo.Net is insanely cool. If your a geek, then you'll be interested to know that its a ASP.NET server control that creates client side, databound, auto-completing combo-drop down box, with virtual item filling. If your not a geek, then just smile and nod.... Objective Better Bandwidth Utilization on Slow Links- March 5, 2003 Better Bandwidth Utilization. jtorin writes "Daniel Hartmeier (of OpenBSD fame) has written a short but interesting article which explains how to better utilize available bandwidth. In ... SlashdotThis is sounds like a different way to solve a problem we worked on for Windows XP. Part of the problem is the big buffers that fill up on the modem that don't allow new connections to get to the stable state fast enough. We solved this with DRR Fair Queing. These folks are doing it via the acks. I... |