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Feed items 61 - 70 of 81 for March 2003

Ari Pernick: Links Read

This is just the list of stuff that I read.

Onion: Bush Offers Taxpayers Another $300 If We Go To War - March 5, 2003

Bush Offers Taxpayers Another $300 If We Go To War The Onion The onion does a brillent job tying together three major political threads in to a really funny article.

(Untitled) - March 5, 2003

Crash Different. Absolutely hysterical! For those who haven't seen it yet, this is without a doubt the funniest Apple Mac Switcher Parody yet. from Derek's Rantings and MusingsBy Objective

(Untitled) - March 5, 2003

How bad is it getting This Bad.

(Untitled) - March 4, 2003

News of Note From Microsoft. The company shows notable progress outside of Windows -- and the stock may be cheap, too. The Motley FoolFor those who believe Microsoft's long-term future holds promise, the stock may be worth a look at current levels. At around $23.30, the company has a market cap of $253.6 billion. If you back out its cash hoard of $56.1 billion, you get an enterprise value (EV) of $197.5 billion. Comparing that figure to free cash flow over the past year of $14.1 billion reveals.

(Untitled) - March 4, 2003

MARRIED BY AMERICA:. Check out this website from Fox advertizing their newest (and not too successful) reality television show. This is how Fox views the sacredness of marriage. And yet the same network routinely features speakers and pundits who bemoan gay people's sincere attempt to commit to one another as an assault on civilization. Moats and beams, don't you think Or just more double standards from those who claim to support the institution of marriage, but, in reality, just want to keep...

(Untitled) - March 4, 2003

White House Unveils Plan for Medicare. The White House's plan would offer comprehensive coverage of prescription drugs and preventive services to people who join private insurance plans. By Robert Pear. New York Times: Politics

(Untitled) - March 4, 2003

THE REAL AGENDAS:. And one reason to pay only limited attention to the howls of outrage as the U.S. and U.K. do what is necessary is the fact that very little of the opposition to this war is actually about this war. For some it's about "war" in general - a newly empowered new age pacifism. For France, it's about ... France, and its eclipse as a power of any significance. France's crisis is deepened by the fact that a successful war against Saddam could also accelerate the end of the...

4008 Leaked - March 4, 2003

Longhorn M4 Build Review. Gsurface writes "I finally got my hands on the new Longhorn build, 4008, that was announced two days ago. After installing it and looking around through it, I ... SlashdotIt's way too early to look at longhorn at see anything really new. There is a different theme, a cleaner installer and the giant sucking sound of winfs's 150 mb. The project is still mostly architecture and low level stuff rather then end visible features.

(Untitled) - March 4, 2003

White House Unveils Plan for Medicare. The White House's plan would offer comprehensive coverage of prescription drugs and preventive services to people who join private insurance plans. By Robert Pear. New York Times: Politics

(Untitled) - March 4, 2003

jury duty for ex-presidents! jwz
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