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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for April 2008

Summit Hill News

Local news for Summit Hill, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Project green light - April 30, 2008

"We want local communities to be aware that recycling these bulbs can become part of their permanent recycling program." By JIM DINO Staff Writer PPL, in promoting the use of energy-efficient, compact fluorescent light bulbs, is encouraging residents to discard used ones through a 29-county free recycling program. via Standard Speaker

Tamaqua man charged with pushing friend into deep coal pit - April 28, 2008

A man who on Friday night fell hundreds of feet into a strip mine pit in Coaldale was pushed by a friend with whom he had argued about what path to take, police say. via The Morning Call

Ex-treasurer's aide gets jail time - April 22, 2008

A former top aide in the Carbon County treasurer's office who embezzled $166,000, then was arrested again for stealing a relative's credit card, got more jail time on Monday.James Gillespie, 37, formerly of Summit Hill, was sentenced by county President Judge Roger N. Nanovic to 18 months to five years in state prison after Gillespie was resentenced for probation violations in the embezzlement case.Gillespie was arrested in March 1999 and confessed to stealing $166,000 from the treasurer's...

Towns revisit regional proposal - April 16, 2008

Lansford officials, who decided not to join Jim Thorpe and Summit Hill in a regional comprehensive plan last month, now may be interested in joining with the municipalities to save money on projects and ... via The Morning Call

Lansford considers lawsuit over former middle school - April 12, 2008

Lansford Council will seek legal advice about taking Panther Valley School District to court over ownership of the former middle school building. via The Morning Call

Everything must go in Summit Hill moving sale - April 10, 2008

Summit Hill has hired an auctioneer to sell off contents of its borough building as it prepares to move into a new municipal complex this summer. via The Morning Call
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