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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for June 2002

T Bryce Yehl:

Is that a weblog in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

(Untitled) - June 1, 2002

A variety of personal issues have kept me from working on Pocket Blog for a while. If things go well, the next release should be ready in two or three weeks.

(Untitled) - June 1, 2002

Chris Hileman: MovableType Warning Attention ALL MT bloggers! If you havn't sic heard already, there is a hacker or group of hackers out there who are getting into MT blogs. It is not a problem with MT but it IS a possible problem with installation. If you did not delete you sic mt-load.cgi or your mt-updrade.cgi DO IT NOW! These hackers are running these files which writes the default user back into the user database. That then allows them to access you blog and reek sic havoc on it. Again,..
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