T Bryce Yehl: PocketBlog.comIs that a weblog in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?(Untitled)- September 22, 2002 Polling all Pocket Blog users.... I've added two polls to the pb-support group: What weblog software are you using with Pocket Blog and How do you connect your Pocket PC to the Internethttp://pocketblog.com/2002/09/22.html#a1012 Pocket Blog Support- September 21, 2002 I've created a Yahoo Group for Pocket Blog users: pb-support. Please use this forum for all Pocket Blog support requests, enhancement ideas, praise, flames, etc.http://pocketblog.com/2002/09/21.html#a1008 (Untitled)- September 4, 2002 Problems with Blogger I've been receiving occassional reports of problems with "Pocket Blog" and "Blogger", and there are always reports of problems on the bloggerDev Yahoo! Group. Often these issues are fleeting, related to Pyra deploying new functionality. Sometimes they are not. If you're having persistent problems with "PB" and Blogger, it would be very useful to me if you could capture the XML-RPC HTTP exchange. tcpTrace is a very simple tool for doing this, if you can understand...http://pocketblog.com/2002/09/04.html#a948 |