Utopia NewsLocal news for Utopia, FL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.How could the Brawny Man lead us astray- October 30, 2007 Issue date: 102907 Section: Opinions The metrosexual movement is the end of reason. via Chicago Flamehttp://www.topix.net/city/utopia-fl/2007/10/how-could-the-brawny-man-lead-us-astray?fromrs... Belinda Tops MTV Latin Award Nominations- October 20, 2007 "I'm going to take my time and wait for the right script because you don't want to rush that kind of thing" Teenage pop star Belinda, who starred in the Disney Channel's "Cheetah Girls 2," tops the nominations for Thursday night's MTV Video Music Awards Latin America in Mexico City. via HeraldTribune.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/utopia-fl/2007/10/belinda-tops-mtv-latin-award-nominations?fromr... |