Utopia NewsLocal news for Utopia, FL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Utopia Joe's earns praise from New York writer for Greek salad- November 20, 2007 Joe Garafono, owner of Utopia Joe's Coffee House, drinks some of his own roasted coffee. via Uvalde Leader Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/utopia-fl/2007/11/utopia-joes-earns-praise-from-new-york-writer-... When Mercenary Armies Go Crazy- November 4, 2007 Sunday, 04 November 2007 Written by R. Scott Peoples Blackwater and the other "independent contractors" in Iraq are hardly the first mercenary armies to stomp across the battlefields of history. via Bits of Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/utopia-fl/2007/11/when-mercenary-armies-go-crazy?fromrss=1 On a circuitous quest for the best of all road movies- November 1, 2007 "Are you kidding me, Dad It's black and white, it's from the 30s and it's with Clark Gable and some dame I never heard of. What do you want to do, bore me to death" What's a road movie Where do the parameters lie to separate a film about people traveling and one in which the characters just go places Is 'Bonnie and Clyde' a road movie When the idea struck me to write ... via News Presshttp://www.topix.net/city/utopia-fl/2007/11/on-a-circuitous-quest-for-the-best-of-all-road... |