Swanton NewsLocal news for Swanton, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Lifestyles- June 26, 2008 Ila Mae Eychas of Saginaw, Mich., announces the engagement and forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Crista Hernandez, son of Alex Vasquez Jr., son of Neil and Kim Williams, Sherwood, and Alajando... Read ...http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/lifestyles?fromrss=1 Toledos Largest Metro Park Oak Openings- June 24, 2008 One of Toledo's largest Metro Parks is Oak Openings, which is located at: 4139 Girdham Rd.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/toledos-largest-metro-park-oak-openings?fromr... Fuel costs top concerns in Swanton- June 18, 2008 If Ohio and the rest of the nation want to get the economy going again, residents must do something about the energy crisis, U.S. Rep.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/fuel-costs-top-concerns-in-swanton?fromrss=1 Area tree services doing big business- June 13, 2008 Tree cutters are buzzing and electrical generators are off the shelves at many stores as metro Toledo recovers from the intense storms of the past week.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/area-tree-services-doing-big-business?fromrss... Cruise opens eyes to Toledo's history- June 11, 2008 While landlubbers sweated out yesterday's sultry afternoon, members of a local touring group enjoyed a steady, cooling, nautical breeze as they cruised the Maumee River and its scenes of Toledo's past, present, ...http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/cruise-opens-eyes-to-toledos-history?fromrss=... Damage reports coming in from Fulton County- June 9, 2008 High winds kicked up trash and destroyed transformers in Fulton County. Damage reports are coming in out of Fulton County.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/damage-reports-coming-in-from-fulton-county?f... Strawberries growing ripe for picking at area farms- June 7, 2008 As Ohio's strawberry crop ripened recently, farmers and pickers alike are busy eating up the juicy berries at local patches.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/strawberries-growing-ripe-for-picking-at-area... Swanton, OH Resident Receives VITA(TM) Wireless Samaritan Award- June 5, 2008 The Wireless Foundation and members of CTIA-The Wireless Association proudly honored Sprint Nextel Corporation customer, Ryan Price of Swanton, Ohio, on Monday, June 2 nd with a 2008 VITA TM Wireless Samaritan ...http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/swanton-oh-resident-receives-vita-tm-wireless... Today's log- June 3, 2008 Births Bay Park Community Hospital Tiffany Musch, Port Clinton, girl, Friday. Rosalinda Garza, Toledo, girl, Saturday.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/06/todays-log?fromrss=1 |