Swanton NewsLocal news for Swanton, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Rotary Tour for MESA is about helping others- July 14, 2008 Editor's note: The subjects in this weekly series are chosen as we go about the business of reporting local events.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/07/rotary-tour-for-mesa-is-about-helping-others?... Fremont Rotary is host club for fourth MESA ride- July 12, 2008 FREMONT -- About 60 people are expected to be riding their bicycles around northern and central Ohio next week to raise money for medical supplies for third world countries.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/07/fremont-rotary-is-host-club-for-fourth-mesa-r... -Flooding impacts road conditions; postpones 1 fireworks event- July 4, 2008 Note: Swanton has canceled its fireworks event that was to take place Thursday night.http://www.topix.net/city/swanton-oh/2008/07/flooding-impacts-road-conditions-postpones-1-... |