Stanley NewsLocal news for Stanley, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Marion R. Gryscavage- May 31, 2008 Marion R. Gryscavage, 84, of Church Street, Amsterdam, passed away Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at St. The ongoing cover-up by the NYTIMES- May 29, 2008 Wednesday, May 28, 2008 The ongoing cover-up by the NYTIMES Larry Beinhart Posted May 27, 2008 11:23 AM "In 2001 painstaking postmortems of the Florida count, one by The New York Times and another by a ... Farmers Don't Buy Into Ethanol Criticism- May 19, 2008 "Yeah, it's a way for us to lessen the burden of the fuel. It also keeps our trucking company busy" In the face of growing criticism over corn ethanol, Western New York farmers are thriving. via 13WHAM Ethanol - Where Hype Meets Reality- May 17, 2008 "Farmers have stopped growing wheat in order to grow corn for ethanol" We're burning food to fuel our cars. Think about that for a second. A growing number of folks are saying that's crazy, yet the production of corn ethanol in this country continues. via 13WHAM |