Stanley NewsLocal news for Stanley, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.10 Takes on Investing in Israel- June 28, 2008 If you read my checklist for how to research investing in Latin America , then you are aware of my "BrISK" investment theme, which is vastly different from the popular "BRIC" theme. HAMILTON: Teen, not gay, marriage is issue- June 25, 2008 New York Times reporters Jeremy W. Peters and Danny Hakim explained in a most excellent way New York Gov. Most Read: 15 Takes on Latin America- June 20, 2008 The Finance Professor In May, my wife and I took a vacation to Ixtapa, Mexico. This week, I was on Fox Business Network's "Happy Hour" show to explain my "BrISK" -- Brazil, Israel, South Korea -- investment ... 3-vehicle crash injures 2 in Hopewell- June 13, 2008 Two people were injured this morning in Hopewell when their minivan was rear-ended and then struck another vehicle, Ontario County sheriff's deputies reported. Business Roundtable Extends Private Sector Commitment to China...- June 10, 2008 WASHINGTON, DC,. - June 9, 2008 - Business Roundtable, the American Red Cross and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce co-hosted on Friday a meeting with President Bush, leaders of the business community and ... As layoffs bite Wall St, New York real estate hit- June 5, 2008 While most of the United States has suffered a housing slump over the past two years, home prices in New York's Manhattan have been largely unscathed, propped up by demand from Wall Street bankers and the ... The Griffin Years- June 2, 2008 James D. "Jimmy" Griffin was born in 1929 in Buffalo's First Ward. A child of the depression Griffin grew up in an area where he recalled you "didn't much settle your differences by talking, had to fight." ... |