Wallingford NewsLocal news for Wallingford, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Dateline Iowa- February 20, 2008 "We know you are here. If you commit a crime, we are going to work together to put you in prison" WALLINGFORD Graettinger man dies in snowmobile crash A Graettinger man died Saturday after he got his snowmobile stuck after using a field driveway as a ramp in the east ditch of County Road N26 near ... via Des Moines Registerhttp://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-ia/2008/02/dateline-iowa?fromrss=1 Graettinger man dies in snowmobile accident- February 18, 2008 A western Iowa man died after his snowmobile became stuck and was hit by another snowmobile, the Iowa State Patrol said. via Waterloo Courierhttp://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-ia/2008/02/graettinger-man-dies-in-snowmobile-accide... |