Wallingford NewsLocal news for Wallingford, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Emergency Medical Services Week- May 17, 2008 This is the 35th Annual National EMS Week. The theme this year is - ' "EMS: Your Life is Our Mission." Iowa has, nearly 13,000 certified EMS providers who are dedicated to saving lives, providing comfort and ...http://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-ia/2008/05/emergency-medical-services-week?fromrss=1 Proposed local option sales tax cas.....- May 16, 2008 "There is no other means to collect for it to make it up." An Aug. 26 election for a proposed additional 1-cent local option sales tax for Estherville, some other Emmet County communities, and rural areas is putting some wrinkles into plans by other local governments. via The Estherville Spirithttp://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-ia/2008/05/proposed-local-option-sales-tax-cas?fromr... |