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Feed items 1 - 1 of 1 for November 2006

Squawks of the Parrot/Tornado

Tornado-related posts from Squawks of the Parrot

The game of life - November 16, 2006

Okay, so, I'm unimaginative, but I like the game of life. It's nifty, looks cool, captures the attention of people (like, say, me) who're attracted to shiny things going "Pling!", and stresses interesting parts of a system. It was one of the first real things we did for Parrot, and for the longest time it was one of the benchmark programs. Who knows, maybe it still is, I dunno. Anyway, I've been working on a GOL for Tornado. It works too, which is cool, and it's a little surreal to do a full...
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