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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for August 2006

Squawks of the Parrot/Tornado

Tornado-related posts from Squawks of the Parrot

There's something just not right about that... - August 30, 2006

I know it's an act of supreme, if likely wrongheaded, laziness, but rather than trying to figure out how to build libraries on Windows, or get libraries loading via relative paths right on OS X, I just hacked up the makefiles for the perl module and the main tornado distribution to directly reference the objects. That means you get the whole wad just linked into your perl module, and at some point I'll get library building done in a proper cross-platform way so you can have your .so .dll ...

Now with perly goodness - August 28, 2006

Just cut a release of Tornado 0.04 -- http:www.sidhe.orgdanthingstornado-0.04.tar.gz. More fixed bugs and whatnot, but the fun new thing now is that the perl module (in the perl subdirectory) builds and tests, and that includes assembling a sample program, invoking it, and getting the results back. This is, I think, a pretty cool thing. Unfortunately there's still some manual bits, like you have to copy the tornado shared library into the lib directory in the perl module's build directory when..

Template-driven code - August 23, 2006

I should know by now -- whenever I'm facing large masses of mostly-identical code it's a sign that it's time to do some templating. I did this in tornado with the opcodes, in large part because I fully planned on having a simple oploop to start with, and more complex oploops later. I also knew I was going to need to yank out opcode info for the assembler and whatnot, so pre-processing the source made a lot of sense. (This was something that we did quite successfully with Parrot) I didn't do it..
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