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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for March 2008

DoubleClick Widget Marketing Widget - March 16, 2008

So last Fall I spoke at the widget summit, and this caused some snickers among my co-workers. Since then I've blogged about widgets, and written a byline about widgets. I also blogged a video about people trying to explain widgets. Next Tuesday I will be in LA at OMMA Hollywood, pitching DoubleClick's widget solutions. The culmination of this widget frenzy is a widget that explains widget marketing, which I like to call the "DoubleClick Widget Marketing Widget". It lets you calculate the...

E Gary Gygax - March 10, 2008

Some quickies on the death of E. Gary Gygax. Needless to say he was responsible for an enormous amount of inefficiency in my youth. Great essay from the New York Times on his influence. Outstanding infographic from the same article. I'm currently in the box "Blogging About Diagrams" Wondering why none of the articles about his death are including the E in E. Gary Gygax. Wikipedia lets me know the E stood for Ernest. I was guessing Eugene. Also, does the initial "Stand for" or "Stood for"...
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