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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for April 2008

New Commenting System on - April 27, 2008

Hey ANP!, I have news for you. I've implemented the Disqus commenting system on this blog so it can now support threaded conversations and better spam correction. I'm sure the other two readers will be happy as well. Let me know what you think

Semantic Web Explained - April 27, 2008

Really interesting Powerpoint -- whoops -- Google Docs presentation explaining a vision of the future beyond keyword search. Found on Techcrunch.

Moses! - April 10, 2008

In honor of Mr. Heston's passing: Also, here's a compendium of surprise endings from Mr. Heston's sci-fi period. We rented Planet of the Apes a couple of years ago and the wife didn't know about the ending -- it was thrilling to see her reaction to the Statue of Liberty.

Anil Dash Wins Battledecks - April 3, 2008

Finally, a competition where I'd have a chance of winning. Competitive, absurdist, Powerpoint. Also known as Battledecks. Almost makes me want to attend SXSW.
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