Vardaman NewsLocal news for Vardaman, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Vardaman Schools, Ram Shack Burglarized- July 16, 2008 By LISA McNEECE Police believe that the recent breakins at Vardaman Schools are related to a breakin at Calhoun City High School in late June. Religion News- July 12, 2008 Editor's note: Items for Religion Briefs should be submitted, typed or printed, to The Meridian Star by noon the Monday before publication. Vardaman Tables Dog Ordinance- July 9, 2008 By LISA McNEECE Vardaman Board of Aldermen tabled the dog ordinance, gave full time employees a raise and approved a fuel adjustment for town's garbage pickup service at a recessed meeting of the board Monday ... CCEF Presents $2,000 In Grants- July 5, 2008 By JOEL McNEECE Calhoun County's Endowment Foundation handed out $2,000 in grants for an area reading enhancement program and a youth arts organization. Yamming it up: Hot, dry weather just right for sweet potato crop- July 4, 2008 Keith Murphree drives the tractor while eight workers load small sweet potato plants, or slips, into the planting machine at Sandy Ridge Farm. Vardaman Passes Ordinance On Unkempt Property- July 3, 2008 By LISA McNEECE After several months of work, the town of Vardaman passed a clean property ordinance Monday night. |