Vardaman NewsLocal news for Vardaman, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Supervisors add- February 20, 2008 "Seems like Robert Earl (Clanton) did some work down there years ago" Calhoun County took possession of a piece of Chickasaw County last week - no purchase necessary. via The Monitor-Herald Vardaman holds action on flag- February 14, 2008 "That's the school's symbol. It's not the town's adopted goat." By Mack Spencer Monitor-Herald Vardaman aldermen reviewed changes they requested to the design of a town flag and changed their minds. via The Monitor-Herald Three Rivers head shows county- February 7, 2008 "It may or may not happen, but we're excited. We've put a package together, and we're going to give it a good shot." Randy Kelley made a big tease of himself at the Board of Supervisors meeting last week, but it's a tease that officials hope will turn into a big payoff. via The Monitor-Herald |