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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for August 2007

The Weblog of Grant Henninger

Once called Ante Lucem, this site has been remade in its own image. It is here to catalog and organize the thoughts of Grant.

Preparation - August 27, 2007

In preparation for Tuesday's Lunar Eclipse I've been practicing photographing the moon. In this sequence of photos the moon is a bit over exposed (except for maybe the top photo) and the moon wasn't quite in focus. I'll have to do better before the eclipse.

Worst Networking Experience - August 27, 2007

At the new apartment Jill and I are having a little problem with our wireless network. I have an older D-Link DI-614+ that doesn't have quite a strong enough signal to provide good networks speeds throughout the apartment. It has worked great for years, but it's on one end of the apartment and we use our laptops largely on the other end in the living room. There are a number of walls between us and it, so it's understandable that it's having some difficulty getting to us. Our first...
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