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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for September 2007

The Weblog of Grant Henninger

Once called Ante Lucem, this site has been remade in its own image. It is here to catalog and organize the thoughts of Grant.

Moon Shot - September 17, 2007

Audacious - September 14, 2007

This I Believe - September 12, 2007

A friend of mine asked me, "What do you believe in" This is something I've given some thought to so I had an answer for him, but it wasn't as coherent or thought through as I would have liked. I highly enjoy the radio segment on NPR This I Believe. It's interesting to hear other's beliefs in their own words and is one of the reasons I've put some thought into my own beliefs. In order to force myself to think through my beliefs and to be able to express them more clearly, I'm going to make...

Civil Air Patrol Searching for Steve Fosset - September 7, 2007

CNN Video : Search for Fosset CAPBlog linked to this great segment about CAP's efforts in the search for Steve Fosset. I haven't talked about CAP at all since relaunching this site, but it's an organization I'm a part of and very proud of my service to it. I have friends that are out there helping with this search and I truly wish I could be out there with them. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to train up for Search and Rescue operations. Even though we likely won't have another..
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