Tabor City NewsLocal news for Tabor City, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Latest housing grants include $850,000 for Brunswick County- January 30, 2008 "These grants will help improve the economic well-being and quality of life for North Carolina families across the state" Unemployment rate increases in December Brunswick County's unemployment rate increased .6 percent last month, from 4.7 in November 2007 to 5.3 in December, the N.C. Employment Security Commission has announced. via Brunswick Beacon add new comment- January 25, 2008 Some local communities are receiving millions of dollars to revitalize their neighborhoods. via WWAY-TV Wilmington Island sanctuary- January 16, 2008 "Wish to find a whole sanddollar." Coastal reserve of Bird Island is a little place of peace Sunset Beach Park at the western end of the beachfront road here. via StarNewsOnline.com |