Tabor City NewsLocal news for Tabor City, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Regional business digest- May 16, 2008 Russell Carter has been awarded a distinguished service medal from the University of North Carolina General Alumni Association. via StarNewsOnline.com Groceries: How low can you go- May 14, 2008 "Everybody is feeling the crunch" Use a list, take advantage of deals to save By Johanna D. Wilson - Alexandria Gore never walks into a grocery store without a shopping list. via Myrtle Beach Online Man suspected in armed robberies- May 9, 2008 "How about you give me the money" A Tabor City, N.C., man is being held as a person of interest in an armed robbery and an attempted armed robbery at Myrtle Beach motels last night. via Myrtle Beach Online PETA Urges Tabor City to Ban Bullhooks, Electric Prods as Town Prepares to Host Circus- May 7, 2008 "Bullhooks are cruel weapons of the circus trade that are routinely used to beat elephants into submission" Tabor City, N.C .--This morning, PETA sent a letter to Tabor City Mayor Royce Harper and the Town Council urging them to enact legislation that would ban the use of bullhooks, electric prods, and other devices ... via People for the Ethical Treatment of A... Gaston Police need for information on 1998 killing- May 5, 2008 "That's what friends and family have told us." Robert Duane Bentten may have been selling drugs to the wrong people, his widow said. via The Gaston Gazette |