07 May 2008 - Apache Lucene Java 2.3.2 Released- May 7, 2008 The Apache Lucene Project Team has annouced that Apache Lucene Java 2.3.2 is now available. This release contains fixes for bugs found in 2.3.1. It does not contain any new features, API or file format changes, which makes it fully compatible to 2.3.0 and 2.3.1. The detailed change log is at: http:svn.apache.orgreposasflucenejavatagslucene_2_3_2CHANGES.txt Binary and source distributions are available at http:www.apache.orgdyncloser.cgilucenejava Lucene artifacts are also available in the...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001146.html 01 May 2008 - Apache C++ Standard Library 4.2.1 released- May 1, 2008 The Apache C++ Standard Library project (Apache STDCXX) is pleased to announce the release of stdcxx 4.2.1. The distribution can be downloaded from the following location: http:archive.apache.orgdiststdcxx or from the many mirrors listed on this page: http:www.apache.orgmirrors For additional details see the stdcxx Download page: http:stdcxx.apache.orgdownload.htmlreleases Apache C++ Standard Library is a complete implementation of the C++ Standard Library conforming to the ISOIEC 14882:2003.http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001147.html |