28 May 2008 - Apache POI 3.1-beta2 Now Available- May 28, 2008 The Apache POI team is pleased to announce the release of 3.1 BETA2 which is one of the final steps before 3.1 FINAL. Apache POI is well-known in the Java field as a library for reading and writing OLE2 office file formats, such as Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Word. The status of this release is a beta, meaning that we encourage users to try it out. If you find any bugs, please report them to the POI bug database or to the poi-dev mailing list. Summary of changes since 3.1-beta1:fix44306 -...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001139.html 28 May 2008 - Apache Qpid M2.1 (incubating) Now Available- May 28, 2008 We, Apache Qpid Team Members, are exceptionally pleased to announce that Qpid M2.1 is out, loud and proud. This version features AMQP 0-9 support, Access Control Lists and Role Based Access Control, loadable exchanges via OSGi plugins and the usual slew of enhancements, bug fixes and love. Release notes: https:issues.apache.orgjirasecureReleaseNote.jspaprojectId=12310520&styleName=Html&version=12312720 Known issues:...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001138.html 27 May 2008 - Apache Commons SCXML 0.8 Released- May 27, 2008 The Apache Commons project would like to announce the immediate availability of Commons SCXML 0.8. Commons SCXML provides a Java State Chart XML (W3C Working Draft) engine. Anything that can be represented as a UML state chart -- business process flows, view navigation bits, interaction or dialog management, and many more -- can leverage the Commons SCXML library. Commons SCXML 0.8 contains a small number of improvements and bug fixes. Details can be found in the release notes: ...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001140.html 22 May 2008 - Apache Harmony 5.0M6 Now Available- May 22, 2008 The Apache Harmony team are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Apache Harmony 5.0M6. Apache Harmony is the Java platform project of the Apache Software Foundation. This is the latest stable build of the Harmony project's implementation of the Java SE specification, and contains numerous enhancements and bug fixes including:new JIT optimizationsfunctional and coverage enhancements throughout the class librariesimproved VM threading designsupport for full hardware addressability..http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001141.html 21 May 2008 - Apache Derby released- May 21, 2008 The Apache Derby project is pleased to announce an important maintenance release of Derby, Apache Derby is a subproject of the Apache DB project. Derby is a pure Java relational database engine which conforms to the ISOANSI SQL and JDBC standards. Derby aims to be easy for developers and end-users to work with. IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are currently using Derby or Derby, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to Derby or to avoid any chance..http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001142.html 16 May 2008 - Apache Cocoon 2.2.0 Released- May 16, 2008 The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the release of Cocoon 2.2.0. Apache Cocoon is a Spring-based framework (since version 2.2 of Cocoon) built around the concepts of separation of concerns and component-based development. Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of component pipelines, each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular operation. Cocoon 2.2 introduces the idea of blocks. A block is the unit of modularization in Cocoon, allowing the framework to...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001149.html 13 May 2008 - Apache UIMA base framework version 2.2.2-incubating- May 13, 2008 The Apache UIMA community is pleased to announce the availability of the Apache UIMA base framework release version 2.2.2-incubating. The release is a bugfix release and is available for download on the Apache UIMA website http:incubator.apache.orguimadownloads.cgi The main fixes for the current release are: Performance improvements for the capabilityLanguageFlowImprovements to the UIMA featurePath evaluationCorrection of the default result spec computation for analysis engines or...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001143.html 12 May 2008 - Apache MyFaces Core 1.2.3 Released- May 12, 2008 The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces Core 1.2.3. MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 1.2 implementation as specified by JSR-252. MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-252 TCK and is 100% compliant with the JSR-252 specification. MyFaces Core 1.2.3 is available in both binary and source distributions. http:myfaces.apache.orgdownload.html MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core". ---- -- The.http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001144.html 09 May 2008 - Apache HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0-alpha4 Now Available- May 9, 2008 The HttpComponents project is pleased to announce the release of HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0-alpha4. This release marks the completion of the overhaul of the connection management code in HttpClient. All known shortcomings of the old HttpClient 3.x connection management API have been addressed. NTLM authentication remains the only missing major feature in the new codeline that prevents us from moving toward the API freeze. There has been a number of important bug fixes since ALPHA3. All...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001145.html 07 May 2008 - Apache Axis2C 1.4.0 Released- May 7, 2008 Apache Axis2C Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Axis2C version 1.4.0 You can download this release from http:ws.apache.orgaxis2cdownload.cgi Key Features ------------ 1. Support for one-way messaging (In-Only) and request response messaging (In-Out) 2. Client APIs: Easy to use service client API and more advanced operation client API 3. Transports supported: HTTP Inbuilt HTTP server called simple axis server Apache2 httpd module called mod_axis2 for server side IIS module for.http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001148.html |