16 July 2008 - Apache VelocityTools 2.0 Released- July 16, 2008 The Velocity developers are pleased to make the second beta release of VelocityTools 2.0 available for download. Downloads are available here: http:velocity.apache.orgdownload.cgi Major development in VelocityTools 2.0 has been essentially complete for some time, and the focus is on fixing the remaining bugs, completing the documentation, and providing clear migration paths for users of VelocityTools 1.x. Significant new features in 2.0 include very flexible, composable toolbox...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001176.html 15 July 2008 - Apache Wicket 1.4-m3 Now Available- July 15, 2008 Help the Apache Wicket team to determine the future of your Wicket based web application development. We have released our third and hopefully final milestone release of our Java 5 based web framework and are anxious to receive feedback on our use of generics. A significant change from the earlier Wicket 1.4 milestone versions is that Component is no longer generified. This means that Component and most of its subclasses in Wicket do not take a class-level type parameter. Some Component...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001175.html 11 July 2008 - Apache ODE 1.2 Released- July 11, 2008 The Apache ODE community is proud to announce its latest 1.2 release that includes many new features, improvements and bug fixes. Apache ODE is a WS-BPEL compliant web services orchestration engine. It organizes web services calls following a process description written in the BPEL XML grammar. Another way to describe it would be a web-service capable workflow engine. Highlights of this release: External variables: variables used in a process are not opaque to the outside world anymore. You...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001171.html 10 July 2008 - Apache Ant 1.7.1 Released- July 10, 2008 The Apache Ant Team is proud to announce that version 1.7.1 has been released and is available as source1 and binary2 archives now. Ant 1.7.1 is mostly a bug fix release which addresses numerous issues found in Ant 1.7.0 released in December 2006. Several smaller optimizations should lead to an improved performance when compared to Ant 1.7.0. In addition Java6 support has been extended and JavaFX is now supported by the "script" task. The Apache Ant Development Team PS: please...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001170.html 09 July 2008 - Apache MINA 2.0.0-M2 Now Available- July 9, 2008 The Apache MINA project is pleased to announce the release of MINA 2.0.0-M2. Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and high scalability network applications easily. It provides an abstract, event-driven, asynchronous API over various transports such as TCPIP and UDPIP via Java NIO. The latest release is now available here: http:mina.apache.orgdownloads.html A list of all the resolved issues for this this release is available here...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001169.html 01 July 2008 - Apache HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-beta2 Now Available- July 1, 2008 The Apache HttpComponents project is pleased to announce the release of HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-beta2. This release adds a number of improvements to the NIO components, most notable being improved asynchronous client side and server side protocol handlers. There has been a number of important bug fixes in HttpCore NIO module, whereas HttpCore base module has had very few changes. All upstream projects dependent on HttpCore NIO are strongly advised to upgrade. The focus of the...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001173.html 01 July 2008 - Apache POI 3.1-Final Releaesd- July 1, 2008 The Apache POI team is pleased to announce the availability of Apache POI 3.1-FINAL. Apache POI is well-known in the Java field as a library for reading and writing OLE2 office file formats, such as Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Word. See http:poi.apache.org Release Highlights: POI-HSSF - Java API To Access Microsoft Excel Format Files Major improvements in formula evaluation Support for conditional formatting Support for Excel hyperlinks Handling of embedded OLE2 documents ...http://www.apachenews.org/archives/001172.html |