The Truman Show NewsNews on The Truman Show continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Welcome Back, You Fabulous, Hilarious Bitch- April 30, 2008 "They were laughing and joking and looked as though they were really trying to get into character." It's been a while since we've seen anything worthwhile come out of Jim Carrey 's career. via Best Week Ever Blog Jersey Girl- April 21, 2008 Comedy, Drama Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Raquel Castro Ollie Trinkle is young and at the top of his game as a music promoter. via Tbs.com Today's Picks- April 19, 2008 Independent Lens - In the film 'King Corn,' two college graduates plant an acre of corn and follow its journey to the table. via Newsday.com Domestic Disturbance- April 17, 2008 Thriller James Lashly, John Travolta, Rebecca Tilney Frank Morrison wants what's best for his son. via Tbs.com Final film and food festival event held in Corning- April 15, 2008 Final film and food festival event held in Corning April 15, 2008 Corning Community College will present a screening of "The Truman Show," starring Jim Carrey and Laura Linney, for its final Film and Food ... via Star-Gazette.COM |