The Truman Show NewsNews on The Truman Show continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Kanye West Is Angry, Believes He's In The Truman Show- June 25, 2008 Kanye is MAD, you guys. This is no joke - we've insulted him with our complaining, and now we've awakened the beast of rage within him. Arthousefilms- June 20, 2008 Opening today on the local art-house circuit: On and off, for a year and a half, from Nova Scotia to Melbourne, director-cinematographer Scott Hicks hung out with minimalist composer Philip Glass. "The Truman Show" - A Rationalization- June 12, 2008 Contributed by Anthony Gilpin - Posted: June 11, 2008 5:06:49 PM It's been 10 years since a Hollywood production team invaded a Florida town called Seaside and transformed it into Seahaven, the locale of the ... Seaside looks back on 'The Truman Show'- June 8, 2008 Dave Rauschkolb remembers when Hollywood came to town. A parade of movie stars, camera crews and producers rolled in more than 10 years ago to film "The Truman Show." It was an extraordinary event to have a ... Homes at Lowry rise in value despite tough market- June 7, 2008 Ellen Jaskol The Rocky2007 Homes at East Ninth Avenue and Trenton Street at Lowry. |