Asbury NewsLocal news for Asbury, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Starbucks to Close Seven Stores in Iowa- July 20, 2008 Seven of the 600 company-owned stores Starbucks plans to close by early next year are in Iowa. Perrin steps up Asbury involvement- July 18, 2008 ASBURY, Iowa -- Kate Perrin is hardly a newcomer to civic activity in Asbury, but stepping in to fill a vacancy on the City Council brought a new appreciation for how much work a council position entails. Asbury voters to decide Meadows buy- July 15, 2008 ASBURY, Iowa -- Asbury voters decide today on whether to give the city permission to purchase The Meadows Golf Course. Kids' laughter is 'Music in the Park- July 13, 2008 Cole Winter, 10, of Dubuque, plays on a seesaw during Asbury's annual Music in the Park Saturday, July 12, 2008. Music in the Park hitting higher notes- July 11, 2008 Music in the Park will be held noon to midnight, Saturday, July 12, in Asbury Park, free admission. |