Asbury NewsLocal news for Asbury, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Service News- June 26, 2008 Ready is the son of Tom and Vivian Ready, of Asbury, Iowa. William R. Plowman was promoted to the rank of senior master sergeant in the Air Force. 'Residences at Asbury' project begins- June 13, 2008 ASBURY, Iowa -- A 59-year-old care organization is about to take the latest step in its development. Time to overhaul Asbury Road- June 7, 2008 QUESTION: With the heavy traffic Asbury Road receives, is it more practical to reconstruct in concrete South Grandview was reconstructed in 1967-68 -- 40 years compared to every seven to eight years. Is Asbury slated for resurfacing- June 5, 2008 QUESTION: When, oh when, oh when is Asbury Road scheduled to be resurfaced Is there any hope that this might happen this summer ANSWER: The road to reparation for a battered Asbury Road will be a bumpy one to ... Hang on, drivers: Pothole help on the way- June 3, 2008 If you've been frazzled by downtown street repair and wondering when perhaps the worst street of all -- Asbury Road -- is on the fix-it list, fear not. People in business- June 1, 2008 A native of Dubuque, she graduated from St. Mary's College in California, with a bachelor of arts degree in business management, then obtained her master's of business administration from the University of ... |