Vincent NewsLocal news for Vincent, AL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Letters, faxes, and e-mail- February 28, 2008 "Forecaster says state to surpass U.S." Commission should tighten its belt: If an individual is in financial difficulty, that person should spend money only on essentials and eliminate any unnecessary expenditures. via Birmingham News Online Today's eye-openers: Highlights from Friday's Birmingham News- February 26, 2008 "It's the top award in the state of Alabama. I thought it was a blessing" Dozens of women and two men dressed in hats for the the 17th annual Mad Hatters Luncheon at The Club. via Alabama Live Year-Round Schedule for One Shelby CO. School Ends- February 24, 2008 SHELBY COUNTY: N o more year-round school in the Shelby County community of Vincent. via WVTM-TV Birmingham Calendar ends Vincent's year-round schedule- February 22, 2008 "I lived in three countries and five states in the U.S." Schools in Vincent will no longer operate under a year-round schedule. The Shelby County Board of Education voted 3-2 Thursday to approve a traditional calendar for all county schools. via Shelby County Reporter Grant money to fund park facilities- February 22, 2008 New and better recreation facilities are coming to seven Shelby County locations thanks to a $236,000 grant program passed by the county commission Monday. via Shelby County Reporter Parents Fight For Year-Round Schools- February 12, 2008 Parents in the Shelby County town of Vincent are gearing up for another fight with the county school board. via WVTM-TV Birmingham Another Hallowhog over...- February 4, 2008 Yes, it seems like only a third of a year ago that Hallowhog began . But what an arbitrary four-month cluster of holidays beginning and ending with non-moveable feasts it's been! Britney acting increasingly ... via Another Monkey |