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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for June 2008

The ArcterJournal

Random Thoughts Since 1996

Kitten Pictures - June 11, 2008

So the babies hit the 2 week old mark, here's the latest batch of pictures: As always, hit the images for the flickr page.

Weekend Project: MythTV Case Upgrade - June 10, 2008

This weekend my (short) travels led me to the local NCIX computer store, where I picked up, among some other toys, a new case for the MythTV PVR system I have. Seems that the wife didn't appreciate the old computer case with whining fans and cables strewn about sitting in the middle of the living room, so we agreed that a case upgrade wouldn't suck. I picked the Silvertone LC17 case, not out of any great length of research, but it was big but not too big, and available in store. The case...

Headache Day, Apple's New Toys, and Misc - June 10, 2008

While today's utter hell had nothing to do directly with the 6 hours of training in a small stuffy room with a guy talking really loud so one other guy at the other end of a conference call could hear, it certainly didn't help. The painful migraine that started early noon-ish and continued until about the time I got home at 7 was the main hell, though the short snooze on the train (helped along by a handful of super strength Tylenol I'm sure) helped. I've still got a bit of it hiding in the...

Newest Kitten Pics - June 4, 2008

Once again with the gobs of kitten pics.  Posting from Flock this time, maybe it'l. make it easier to do the image stuff compared to the standard HTML editing....

New Phase in the ArcterLife - A New Job - June 3, 2008

So after working for 1-3 years (depending on if you count mergers and acquisitions) and my previous job, I put in my notice and resigned, starting the next segment of the ArcterLife. I'm now an employee of Layer 7 as a "OS Developer". L7 does interesting things with XML firewalls and gateways, and it is definitely something different and definitely something interesting. The saddest part is leaving the guys at my last job. The best thing about working there (and I'm not alone in saying...

Quotes - June 2, 2008

"Its windows so you have to use the stupid clicky thing." -- Jim regarding software maintenance "You smell like blood, sweat, and mom's tears" -- J of her Dad (kidding of course)
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