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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for May 2008

The ArcterJournal

Random Thoughts Since 1996

Latest Zero Punctuation is Hilarious - May 29, 2008

OMG, the latest Zero Punctuation review is possibly the funniest yet.... ROFL, LAMO, etc.

Considering Pulling the Trigger on a DROBO... Should I - May 28, 2008

After seeing this offer I'm wondering if there's any reason now not to buy a DROBO My file server is constantly at 95% full and being able to buy the DROBO unit, and the drives, at about the price I had figured for the 4 x 1TB drives alone ($500+ savings!!!!) Pros Comes with full size drives.... if I were go to with the 2TB version it would be 2 x 1TB drives, not 4 x 500G, restricting upgrades later. Would be able to downsize the case that naked is in from a 10 drive bay monster to...

Kitten Pictures - May 27, 2008

Below a plethora of pics... kittens now three days old. Thing 1 Click through for more...

New Kittens, Grass, Weeds, and Yard Work - May 26, 2008

Busy last couple of days. On Friday Zoon gave birth to two black, tiny, healthy kittens. Both happened while I was out of course, as I had a bit of running around to do. I'm glad she finally popped, and two is a good number (though that makes total cats in house at 6, which puts me squarely in the "crazy old man with the cats" category). Below is a pic of the first one less than an hour old (still wet). The second kitten was born almost two hours after. The only difference between the two.

Casserole Kitten - May 23, 2008

Presented without comment, my kitten casserole, and apologies for not posting more kittens, all the time.

Starting the Indiana Jones Embargo - May 22, 2008

I have resolved to not read any reviews, spoiler-free or not, of the new Indiana Jones movie. I'll be seeing it Friday or Saturday (or Sunday, or all three in fact) regardless of what anyone else has to say. It's Indy, and I'm not going to let any random review taint my enjoyment (or lack thereof) of the movie. Scary thing is just how long it's been since the last one.... The Last Crusade is on TV tonight and watching it I realized that I remembered watching it before the family trip to...

Yowza! - May 18, 2008

Wow, Firefly really does know how to make a rum and coke. Wonder if she knows that there's supposed to be more coke than rum! Wibble wibble wibble.

Quadruple Doozie - May 17, 2008

Hot..... 29c today Long weekend means filling my tank cost $70 (yea yea, $4 a gallon in the states, I'm sure there are way worse off folks than me, but this is a car that at the end of last year was a $50 fill), and you know that just cause it's up for the long weekend doesn't mean it's going to go down anytime soon. On call, so on this long weekend I'm tied to being close to the work phone and the computer. Ugh. Neck, back and butt are killing me :( No doubt due to continued days of 2..

How I Fixed My wmplayer.exe Always Running on Vista Issues - May 16, 2008

This has been going on for a while. The symptoms were: Windows Media Player (wmplayer.exe) was running on boot, not visible of course, even after creating a new account Sometimes when playing an MP3 with WMP it would play, but when losing the WMP window the mp3 would continue playing (and wmplayer.exe would still run) Sometimes MP3s playing die off after 10 or 20 seconds This happens even though "media watching" is turned off in WMP With a bit of help from Dana I figured out that...
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