WaKeeney NewsLocal news for WaKeeney, KS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Nursing home costs increasing -,- July 22, 2008 The costs involved with Trego County taking over the Lutheran Home in WaKeeney continue to spiral, and the task is taking longer than expected.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/07/nursing-home-costs-increasing?fromrss=1 Lutheran Home takeover costs rise -,- July 15, 2008 As the purchase process edges ever closer, cost estimates for taking over the Lutheran Home in WaKeeney continue to climb.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/07/lutheran-home-takeover-costs-rise?fromrss=1 Snow gates installed along I-70- July 9, 2008 It may be typical July weather in Western Kansas, but blizzards are on the minds of Kansas Department of Transportation officials this week.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/07/snow-gates-installed-along-i-70?fromrss=1 WW Drilling pieces together fifth oil rig- July 3, 2008 Dusty Rhoades, a partner in WW Drilling, describes the WaKeeney company's newest rig, its fifth, as "homemade." "You can't just go out and buy a rig these days," he said.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/07/ww-drilling-pieces-together-fifth-oil-rig?fr... |