WaKeeney NewsLocal news for WaKeeney, KS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.WaKeeney woman injured in crash- June 24, 2008 Amy R. Bellerive, 36, Morland, was taken to Lemke Memorial Hospital, WaKeeney, Friday with a possible injury after the car she was driving crashed with a tractor-trailer loaded with cattle.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/wakeeney-woman-injured-in-crash?fromrss=1 WaKeeney art walk ready to draw in a crowd -,- June 22, 2008 Marita Summers has done crafts all her life. She loves to work with watercolor and make jewelry, but one particular craft has captured her attention lately.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/wakeeney-art-walk-ready-to-draw-in-a-crowd?f... Tripipedia: Circus comes to Kansas couple's backyard- June 18, 2008 From big top to backyard We've heard of the circus coming to town, but coming to your backyard, now that's a new one.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/tripipedia-circus-comes-to-kansas-couples-ba... Second party shows interest in Lutheran home -,- June 12, 2008 A second suitor for the troubled Lutheran Nursing Home has stepped forward. As a result, the Trego County Commission on Monday decided to delay -- for at least two weeks -- a decision on who might be the future ...http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/second-party-shows-interest-in-lutheran-home... Circus elephants escape in Kansas storm- June 10, 2008 At least four tornadoes touched down in Kansas Thurday. No injuries have been reported, but heavy rain caused flooding in some spots.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/circus-elephants-escape-in-kansas-storm?from... Siren spooks elephants- June 8, 2008 Two spooked elephants on the loose capped a day of severe weather here Thursday and led to the cancellation of a circus, said Trego County Sheriff Richard Schneider.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/siren-spooks-elephants?fromrss=1 Elephants Escape During Storm- June 6, 2008 Weather can cause some crazy situations, but for Thursday's storms, elephants running through the streets of Wakeeney may take the cake.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/elephants-escape-during-storm?fromrss=1 Storms pop up in Plains as forecasters sound alarm- June 6, 2008 Local residents help in the rescue of cattle from the flood waters of the Nodaway River, Thursday, June 5, 2008 in Corning, Iowa.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/storms-pop-up-in-plains-as-forecasters-sound... Dream, Inc. camp planned- June 5, 2008 WaKEENEY Dream, Inc. will have a camp for children of alcoholics and drug addicts June 29-July 3 at the Dream, Inc.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/dream-inc-camp-planned?fromrss=1 Crop insurance adjusters surveying damage -,- June 3, 2008 Farmers could be pulling a check out of the mailbox instead of their combine out of the shed for the upcoming wheat harvest.http://www.topix.net/city/wakeeney-ks/2008/06/crop-insurance-adjusters-surveying-damage?fr... |