Wadesboro NewsLocal news for Wadesboro, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Statewide award 'shocks' Friedberg assistant- March 27, 2008 "She will represent teacher assistants across North Carolina with the utmost professionalism." When Melinda Zarate became a teacher assistant in 1995, she made copies and created bulletin boards. via The Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/wadesboro-nc/2008/03/statewide-award-shocks-friedberg-assistant?... First Look: Area Deaths - March 25, 2008- March 25, 2008 Area deaths reported today to The Evening News and The Tribune This list is intended only as a basic list of names and information to provide an early alert to friends and well wishers. via The News Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/wadesboro-nc/2008/03/first-look-area-deaths-march-25-2008?fromrs... Easter break for highway work- March 21, 2008 The N.C. Department of Transportation is giving motorists a break this Easter holiday weekend -- no construction work. via Charlotte.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/wadesboro-nc/2008/03/easter-break-for-highway-work?fromrss=1 Committee rebuffs Wright's charges of racism- March 6, 2008 "We don't need that in North Carolina. We don't need it." The head of the House ethics committee investigating state Rep. Thomas Wright angrily dismissed claims that the Wilmington Democrat was being unfairly prosecuted because he was black. via StarNewsOnline.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/wadesboro-nc/2008/03/committee-rebuffs-wrights-charges-of-racism... A 'Jim Crow proceeding'- March 4, 2008 "This is a Jim Crow proceeding if he gets treated differently." Attorneys say Wright's skin color prompts legislative action By Gareth McGrath Staff Writer gareth.mcgrathstarnewsonline.com Raleigh Lawmakers are treating state Rep. via StarNewsOnline.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/wadesboro-nc/2008/03/a-jim-crow-proceeding?fromrss=1 |