Wadesboro NewsLocal news for Wadesboro, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Lawmen crack down in Hamlet- May 29, 2008 Eleven law enforcement agencies staged a driver's license checkpoint Wednesday in the Hamlet area looking for traffic violations and the use of seat belts and child safety seats.http://www.topix.net/city/wadesboro-nc/2008/05/lawmen-crack-down-in-hamlet?fromrss=1 Hairpin Turn In Wadesboro Eased Ahead Of Schedule- May 23, 2008 Lots of people heading to North Carolina beaches this weekend and this summer will use U.S. 74 East, and just about anyone who's driven east on U.S. 74 knows all about the hairpin turn in the middle of ...http://www.topix.net/city/wadesboro-nc/2008/05/hairpin-turn-in-wadesboro-eased-ahead-of-sc... Former Motown artist prefers to recall civil rights issues- May 17, 2008 "The visuals (Curtis McNair) created resonated with people. It touched people's lives, and anybody that can do that is doing good work" Curtis McNair marched for civil rights in the '40s, helped integrate the Army in the '50s, and was among the first blacks hired at Chrysler Motors' corporate office in the early '60s. But The Charlotte Observer ... via The Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/wadesboro-nc/2008/05/former-motown-artist-prefers-to-recall-civi... |