Wallops Island NewsLocal news for Wallops Island, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.VA Legislators Approve Bond Package- April 25, 2008 The Virginia General Assembly has approved a multi-million dollar bond package. The package is known as the "21st Century Capital Improvement Program." It will include new funding for the Virginia Commercial ... via WMDT-TV Salisburyhttp://www.topix.net/city/wallops-island-va/2008/04/va-legislators-approve-bond-package?fr... Rescue response time lags in areas- April 23, 2008 "This data has many important issues such as identifying areas outside of the 20-minute response goal providing a basis for examining current response districts and location of future fire and EMS stations" Accomack County residents now can see a visual representation of how long it is likely to take an ambulance or fire truck to reach their homes, thanks to a recently completed analysis. via Eastern Shore Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/wallops-island-va/2008/04/rescue-response-time-lags-in-areas?fro... |