Wallops Island NewsLocal news for Wallops Island, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Wallops Island Continues To Wait For Orbital Answer- May 23, 2008 By KEIRA BENSON 5212008 Photographer: Peter Staubs We've been following the story for weeks, and, now there's still no word on whether a new commercial space program will use the Eastern Shore as it's launch ...http://www.topix.net/city/wallops-island-va/2008/05/wallops-island-continues-to-wait-for-o... Surface Combat Systems Center named 'Tree City USA'- May 17, 2008 The Navy's Surface Combat Systems Center at Wallops Island has been honored for the 12th consecutive year as a Tree City USA. via The Daily Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/wallops-island-va/2008/05/surface-combat-systems-center-named-tr... Comp plan hearing scheduled for today- May 15, 2008 "To me it is about as confusing and convoluted as one can get" Tonight's long-awaited public hearing on the Accomack County comprehensive plan likely will elicit comments both for and against the proposal. via Eastern Shore Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/wallops-island-va/2008/05/comp-plan-hearing-scheduled-for-today?... Race For Commercial Space On The Shore Heats Up- May 7, 2008 The race for commercial space travel on the Eastern Shore is heating up. Florida lawmakers now say they'll set aside 14-point-five million dollars to refurbish their launch pad in Cape Canaveral. via WMDT-TV Salisburyhttp://www.topix.net/city/wallops-island-va/2008/05/race-for-commercial-space-on-the-shore... |