Waikapu NewsLocal news for Waikapu, HI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Maui mayor proposes new emergency center- March 24, 2008 "The whole idea is to make it easier to communicate information that the public needs to know" WAILUKU, Maui - The county would build an emergency operating center and backup computing center in Waikapu under a plan by Mayor Charmaine Tavares. via The Honolulu Advertiserhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/03/maui-mayor-proposes-new-emergency-center?from... Maui water floats to top of budget- March 19, 2008 "It's about time the county took the lead" By Gary T. Kubota gkubotastarbulletin.com WAILUKU Maui County Mayor Charmaine Tavares has proposed a fiscal 2009 budget that includes $22.2 million for new water source development and more water storage. via Honolulu Star-Bulletinhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/03/maui-water-floats-to-top-of-budget?fromrss=1 State to control Maui streams- March 16, 2008 "We have them. We want to open nine more on our historic farm acreage, but we do not have enough water to open more than these three" Diversions from four waterways have been a source of contention By Gary T. Kubota gkubotastarbulletin.com WAILUKU A state commission has decided to take over management of four major streams in central Maui. via Honolulu Star-Bulletinhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/03/state-to-control-maui-streams?fromrss=1 One Step Closer to a Decision in Na Wai 'Eha Contested Case- March 13, 2008 "But some of the things I heard were upsetting; especially what some of the users said they are doing with the water." Final testimony delivered in contested case hearing over Na Wai - Eha streams, but some say the battle is far from over. via The Maui Weeklyhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/03/one-step-closer-to-a-decision-in-na-wai-eha-c... Benefits of commercial agriculture disputed on Maui- March 6, 2008 "We cannot afford to do it this way" WAILUKU, Maui - After three months, 76 witnesses and more than 500 exhibits, the oral portion of the contested case over Na Wai Eha ended Tuesday. via The Honolulu Advertiserhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/03/benefits-of-commercial-agriculture-disputed-o... Brewbaker warns Maui chamber to go lean, flat times ahead- March 2, 2008 "There is a very high degree of utilization" WAIKAPU - In a talk to the Maui Chamber of Commerce on Friday, Bank of Hawaii Chief Economist Paul Brewbaker repeatedly used the words "compression" and "loss of lift" to characterize the near future for Maui's ... via The Honolulu Advertiserhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/03/brewbaker-warns-maui-chamber-to-go-lean-flat-... |