Waikapu NewsLocal news for Waikapu, HI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Pontanilla: No increase for garbage or golf fees on Maui- April 23, 2008 "I believe we need to have a clear understanding of the long-term plans for addressing the county's solid-waste requirements before imposing a substantial increase in residential-refuse-collection fees" WAILUKU, Maui - Council Budget Chairman Joe Pontanilla proposed eliminating fee hikes for golf and garbage-collection services, in his proposal for the fiscal year 2008-09 county budget, The Maui News reported. via The Honolulu Advertiserhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/04/pontanilla-no-increase-for-garbage-or-golf-fe... Boil Water Advisory Canceled- April 13, 2008 "Our department's first priority is always the health and safety of our customers, and in situations like this we err on the side of caution." Maui County - Press Releases April 12, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WAILUKU, MAUI-- The Department of Water Supply has canceled its advisory to Central and South Maui residents and businesses to boil water as a ... via County of Mauihttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/04/boil-water-advisory-canceled?fromrss=1 Waterline Break in Wailuku- April 12, 2008 Maui County - Press Releases Customers in Central and South Maui are asked to conserve water due to a break on a 24-inch waterline in Happy Valley in Wailuku. via County of Mauihttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/04/waterline-break-in-wailuku?fromrss=1 Maui condo prices rise 15%- April 9, 2008 Prices of condominiums on Maui rose last month, while single-family home prices remained fairly flat. via Pacific Business News (Honolulu)http://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/04/maui-condo-prices-rise-15?fromrss=1 5 Hawaii Food Reviews: Finnish Tango, Doraku- April 5, 2008 Belated food roundup. Honolulu Mag goes to Goran Streng's new smart and nicely priced joint, Tango. via Hawaiiramahttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/04/5-hawaii-food-reviews-finnish-tango-doraku?fr... Mayor Serves Up Some Good News at Annual Luncheon- April 2, 2008 "The fires, flood and everything else in between have kept us very busy." "These are exciting times on Maui." Mayor Charmaine Tavares delivered an optimistic overview of her 200809 objectives to a sold-out crowd at the annual Mayor's Luncheon hosted by the Maui Chamber of Commerce on ... via The Maui Weeklyhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikapu-hi/2008/04/mayor-serves-up-some-good-news-at-annual-lunc... |