Wielding the Purse-string Power- October 26, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Politicians such as Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the all-but-certain next president of Argentina, are making headlines as they shatter glass ceilings. But outside the political spotlight, women of much less prominence are gaining footholds in areas that have been traditionally dominated by men.http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/~r/wp-dyn/rss/linkset/2005/03/24/LI2005032402888_xml/~3/24... Blandiendo el poder del bolsillo- October 26, 2007 Lderes polticas como la presidenta chilena Michelle Bachelet y Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner, la casi segura prxima presidenta en Argentina, acaparan titulares a medida que derriban barreras de gnero. Pero lejos de la atencin pblica, mujeres de mucha menor prominencia estn ganando tambin terreno en esferas tradicionalmente dominadas por los hombres.http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/~r/wp-dyn/rss/linkset/2005/03/24/LI2005032402888_xml/~3/24... Irona e integridad- October 19, 2007 Poco despus de que el ex presidente Alberto Fujimori fuera extraditado a Per para enfrentar cargos de corrupcin y violacin a los derechos humanos, su hija Keiko, congresista peruana, empez a clamar por sus derechos. Asegur que su celda era demasiado pequea y que debiera poder hacer ejercicio y recibir visitas de sus familiares, adems de cuidado medico apropiado.http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/~r/wp-dyn/rss/linkset/2005/03/24/LI2005032402888_xml/~3/24... Irony and Integrity- October 19, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Soon after former President Alberto Fujimori was extradited to Peru to face human rights and corruption charges, his daughter Keiko, a Peruvian lawmaker, began pleading for his rights. She argued that his jail cell was too small and that he should receive family visits, appropriate care for his ailments and be able to exercise.http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/~r/wp-dyn/rss/linkset/2005/03/24/LI2005032402888_xml/~3/24... Pasos hacia la muerte de una trabajadora migrante- October 12, 2007 Elirose Pierre-Louis muri el mes pasado a la edad de 56 aos de un ataque cardiaco. La inmigrante haitiana que haba trabajado legalmente en este pas por ms de 20 aos, era empacadora de tomates en una granja en la costa este de Virginia con un salario de $6 dlares la hora.http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/~r/wp-dyn/rss/linkset/2005/03/24/LI2005032402888_xml/~3/24... Tracing the Causes of Death for a Migrant Worker- October 12, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Elirose Pierre-Louis died last month at age 56 of a heart attack. A Haitian immigrant who labored in this country legally for more than 20 years, she last worked as a tomato picker on Virginia's Eastern Shore, making $6 an hour.http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/~r/wp-dyn/rss/linkset/2005/03/24/LI2005032402888_xml/~3/24... Betwixt and Between the Dream- October 5, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Julita is an undergraduate with a double major in psychology and Spanish at a university in Texas. She aspires to attend grad school to become a teacher. At 23, she is about to celebrate her first decade in this country -- she hopes the first of many.http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/~r/wp-dyn/rss/linkset/2005/03/24/LI2005032402888_xml/~3/24... Un sueo esquivo- October 5, 2007 Julita estudia psicologa y espaol en una universidad de Texas y aspira a hacer un postgrado para poder ensear algn da. A los 23 aos de edad est a punto de celebrar su primera dcada en este pas -- la primera de muchas, espera.http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/~r/wp-dyn/rss/linkset/2005/03/24/LI2005032402888_xml/~3/24... |