To Serve, Protect and Deport- August 31, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Given the heated nature of the debate over U.S. immigration policy, it wasn't surprising that some politicians jumped to link the brutal slayings of three college students in Newark, N.J., with calls for a crackdown on illegal immigrants. Two of the six suspects are in the country illegally, one allowed to stay even after three felony arrests. Para servir, proteger y deportar- August 31, 2007 Ante el apasionado debate sobre la poltica de inmigracin en Estados Unidos, no sorprendi ver a algunos polticos afanados con vincular los brutales asesinatos de tres estudiantes en Newark, N.J., con sus clamores en contra de los inmigrantes ilegales . Dos de los sospechosos estn en el pas ilegalmente y uno pudo permanecer ac incluso despus de tres arrestos por delitos graves. A la espera de un desastre- August 24, 2007 Quin dijo que los millones de extranjeros que trabajan ilegalmente en este pas no tienen opciones para normalizar su situacin Pueden, por ejemplo, esperar a que la reforma migratoria integral sea resucitada en algn momento despus de la posesin de un nuevo presidente en 2009. O tambin que algn huracn, terremoto o conflicto cambie su suerte -- para bien. Wishing for Disaster- August 24, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Who says that the millions of foreign nationals working in this country illegally don't have options to normalize their immigration status For one, they can hope that comprehensive immigration reform will be resurrected sometime after the inauguration of a new president in 2009. Or perhaps they can hope for hurricanes, earthquakes or strife to change their fortunes -- for the better. Colombia cae en desgracia- August 17, 2007 Colombia ser un espectador ms este otoo mientras dos de sus vecinos -- Per y Panam -- se convierten en los prximos pases latinoamericanos en conseguir acuerdos de libre comercio con Estados Unidos. Colombia's Fall From Grace- August 17, 2007 WASHINGTON -- Colombia will be left to sit back and watch this fall as two of its neighbors -- Peru and Panama -- become the latest Latin American countries to enter into free trade agreements with the United States. Ya basta con las reformas superficiales- August 3, 2007 Cuando Mijeil Saakashvili se posesion como presidente de Georgia en 2004, era tanta la corrupcin en la polica de trnsito que despidi a toda la fuerza pblica. Cuatro aos antes, Saakashvili, entonces ministro de justicia, ayud a purgar el sistema judicial del pas, suprimiendo, al no aprobar un examen judicial, a por lo menos dos terceras partes de sus jueces. Forget the Facelift, Think Overhaul- August 3, 2007 WASHINGTON -- When Mikheil Saakashvili took office as president of Georgia in 2004, the country's traffic police was so corrupt that he fired the entire force. Four years earlier, Saakashvili, then minister of justice, helped purge the country's judicial system of at least two-thirds of its judges who failed to pass a judicial qualification exam. |