The Life of a RavenThe Life of a Raven - LiveJournal.comMore on bookmarking and tags- May 30, 2008 I've about made up my mind how to use've "given in" and forced it to more or less do what I want with hierarchical tags...geocaching,,, geocaching.swag,,, etc.Group those into a "geocaching" tag bundle and the Firefox plugin does almost what I want of it. I just wish would recognize that was a subset of geocaching, and I could just bundle "geocaching." and not have to go... The deep blue sea- May 30, 2008 I want to learn to scuba dive.It's mostly Endless Ocean's fault. It's a diving "simulator" for the Wii.But the real trigger was something Steve Eley, editor of Escape Pod, (the original sci-fi podcast magazine) said... basically, why this obsession in sci-fi with space, when the ocean is as much an alien world to most of usUnfortunately, I live in Kansas. I can learn to dive here (and at what looks like a reasonable cost), but a trip to the ocean to dive is expensive. So if it happens at... Bookmarking and tags- May 19, 2008 I've been using and its Firefox plugin for bookmarking for awhile, and I've got mixed feelings about it. The plugin almost does what I want, but it's coming up short. (My home-grown bookmark manager comes up short, too, so this isn't enough to make me quit using I've been thinking about tags and missing the hierarchical structure I'm used to. I've been reading about and tags and hierarchies and the consensus is "hierarchies suck, tag folksonomies. Toe keeping- May 12, 2008 Nothing like accidentally deleting etc on your workstation to keep you on your toes. Bookmarking the web- May 5, 2008 Back in 1999, I started working in an office and I quickly discovered that bookmarks stored in the web browser didn't work for me... I needed to be able to access my bookmarks from home, work, or wherever I was on the net. So I wrote a simple bookmark manager CGI script and stored my bookmarks on my personal web site.Roll forward to 2008... nine years later, I'm still using the same software and I have over 2400 bookmarks. Many of them I don't use anymore, though occasionally I'll come 'round. |